The United States of Social Murder

Salil Maniktahla
1 min readOct 31, 2022

Came across the phrase "social murder" a few days ago, and now it’s got the wheels in my head turning.

There are so many kinds of social murder in this country. There's inadequate healthcare social murder. There's "we won't mask for you" social murder. There's "pro-life" social murder, where people pretend fetuses are more important than people.

There's school shootings, which are maybe the most literal and direct forms of social murder, where people pretend that gun ownership is more important than kids.

There are just *so many* kinds of social murder. There's Native American reservations. There's police shooting black people.

The more I think about it, the more I think maybe this is what really defines this country: that there's a segment of this country who is in favor of social murder pretty much across the board.

The United States of Social Murder.



Salil Maniktahla

Short, brown, hairy dad of twins, Business Intelligence guy, Parkour, motorcycles, airplanes. He / him. Black Lives Matter!